Class: ElGamal

verificatum.crypto.ElGamal(standard, pGroup, random, statDist)

new ElGamal(standard, pGroup, random, statDist)

The El Gamal cryptosystem implemented on top of verificatum.arithm.PGroup. This is a generalized implementation in several ways and eliminates the complexity that plagues other implementations by proper abstractions.

The first generalization allows us to use multiple El Gamal public keys in parallel. The second allows us to define and implement the Naor-Yung cryptosystem directly from the El Gamal cryptosystem and a proof equal exponents (see verificatum.crypto.ElGamalZKPoK). The third generalizes the cryptosystem to any width of plaintexts, i.e., lists of plaintexts or equivalently elements of product groups.

  • The first generalization is captured by letting the underlying group G be of the form G = H^k, where H is a group of prime order q and k > 0 is the key width, and the private key is contained in the ring of exponents R = (Z/qZ)^k of G, where Z/qZ is the field of prime order q.
  • In the standard cryptosystem the private key is an element x of R, and the public key has the form (g, y), where g is an element of G and y = g^x. In the second generalization we instead allow the public key to be an element ((g, h), y) of (G x G) x G, but still define y = g^x with x in R. Here h can be defined as h = y^z for a random z in R.

    The standard cryptosystem defines encryption of a message m in G as Enc((g, y), m, r) = (g^r, y^r * m), where r is randomly chosen in R. We generalize encryption by simply setting Enc(((g, h), y), m, r) = ((g^r, h^r), y^r * m). Note that the same exponent r is used for all three exponentiations and that it resides in R.

    The standard cryptosystem defines decryption of a ciphertext (u, v) by Dec(x, (u, v)) = v / u^x. In the generalized version a decryption is defined by Dec(x, ((u, a), v)) = v / u^x.

  • We generalize the cryptosystem to allow encryption of plaintexts m of width w contained in G' = G^w, or equivalently lists of plaintexts in G. A simple way to accomplish this with a proper implementation of groups (see verificatum.arithm.PGroup) is to simply widen public and secret keys.
    1. The original secret key is replaced by x' = (x, x,..., x) in R' = R^w.
    2. A public key (g, y) in G x G is replaced by (g', y'), where y' = (g, g,..., g) and y' = (y, y,..., y) are elements in G'. Thus, the new public key is contained in G' x G'.
    3. A public key ((g, h), y) in (G x G) x G is replaced by a wider public key ((g', h'), y'), where g', and y' are defined as above and h' is defined accordingly. Thus, the new public key is contained in (G' x G') x G'.
Name Type Description
standard Determines if the standard or variant El Gamal cryptosystem is used.
pGroup Group G over which the cryptosystem is defined.
random Source of randomness.
statDist Statistical distance from the uniform distribution assuming that the output of the instance of the random source is perfect.


(static) benchEncrypt(standard, pGroups, maxWidth, minSamples, randomSource, statDist)

Estimates the running time of encryption in milliseconds for various groups and widths.
Name Type Description
standard Indicates if the standard or variant scheme is used.
pGroups Groups over which the cryptosystem is defined.
maxWidth Maximal width of plaintexts.
minSamples Minimum number of executions performed.
randomSource Source of randomness.
statDist Statistical distance from the uniform distribution assuming that the output of the instance of the random source is perfect.
Array or arrays of estimated running time of encryption in milliseconds.

(static) benchEncryptPGroup(standard, pGroup, maxWidth, minSamples, randomSource, statDist)

Estimates the running time of encryption in milliseconds for various widths.
Name Type Description
standard Indicates if the standard or variant scheme is used.
pGroup Group over which the cryptosystem is defined.
maxWidth Maximal width of plaintexts.
minSamples Minimum number of executions performed.
randomSource Source of randomness.
statDist Statistical distance from the uniform distribution assuming that the output of the instance of the random source is perfect.
Array of estimated running times of encryption in milliseconds.

(static) benchEncryptPGroupWidth(standard, pGroup, width, minSamples, randomSource, statDist)

Estimates the running time of encryption in milliseconds.
Name Type Description
standard Indicates if the standard or variant scheme is used.
pGroup Group over which the cryptosystem is defined.
width Width of plaintexts.
minSamples Minimum number of executions performed.
randomSource Source of randomness.
statDist Statistical distance from the uniform distribution assuming that the output of the instance of the random source is perfect.
Estimated running time of encryption in milliseconds.

completeEncrypt(publicKey, ruv, message)

Completes the encryption of a message with the El Gamal cryptosystem.
Name Type Description
publicKey Public key of the form (g', y'), or ((g', h'), y') depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.
ruv Triple of the form [r, u, v] or [r, (u, a), v] as output by verificatum.crypto.ElGamal.precomputeEncrypt, depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.
message Message in G' to encrypt (must match group used in pre-computation).
Ciphertext of the form (u, v * message) or ((u, a), v * message), depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.

decrypt(privateKey, ciphertext)

Decrypts an El Gamal ciphertext.
Name Type Description
privateKey Private key x' contained in R'.
ciphertext Ciphertext (u, v) in G' x G', or ((u, a), v) in (G' x G') x G') to be decrypted, depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.
Plaintext computed as v / u^(x').

encrypt(publicKey, message, random)

Encrypts a message with the El Gamal cryptosystem.
Name Type Description
publicKey Public key.
message Message in G' to encrypt.
random Randomness r in R' used for decryption. If this is empty, then it is generated.
Ciphertext of the form output by verificatum.crypto.ElGamal.completeEncrypt.


Generates a key pair of the El Gamal cryptosystem.
Pair [pk, sk] such that pk is a public key in G x G or in (G x G) x G depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used, and sk is the corresponding private key contained in R.

precomputeEncrypt(publicKey, random)

Pre-computation for encrypting a message using verificatum.crypto.ElGamal.completeEncrypt.
Name Type Description
publicKey Public key of the form (g', y'), or ((g', h'), y') depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.
random Randomness r in R' used for encryption. If this is empty, then it is generated.
Triple of the form [r, u, v] or [r, (u, a), v], where u = (g')^r, a = (h')^r, and v = (y')^r, depending on if the standard or variant scheme is used.


Computes the number of random bytes needed to encrypt.
Number of random bytes needed to encrypt.

widePrivateKey(privateKey, width)

Widens a private key such that a ciphertext resulting from the encryption with the correspondingly widened public key can be decrypted.
Name Type Description
privateKey Original private key.
width Width of wider public key.
Public key with the same key width, but with the given width.

widePublicKey(publicKey, width)

Widens a public key such that an element from a product group of the underlying group can be encrypted.
Name Type Description
publicKey Original public key.
width Width of wider public key.
Public key with the same key width, but with the given width.